The Ethnography Atelier podcast discusses research methods with accomplished qualitative researchers. We talk to guests about their experiences of conducting research in and around organizations, the challenges they faced and the understandings they gained. If you have comments about the podcast or you'd like to get involved, please contact us.

Episode 14 - Anissa Pomiès: Researching Materiality
Pedro Monteiro and Pauli Pakarinen • February 2023
This time we welcome Anissa Pomiès to the Atelier and talk with her about methodological opportunities and challenges of studying materiality, the things that are pervasive in life but have been for long-time eluding researchers. In this conversation, Anissa reflects on her research on taste and coffee making, where she found it was central to take objects seriously—since they were taken as such by informants in that context. She also shares some tips on organizing the analysis of images, videos, and artifacts and using a broader range of senses to collect data.
Anissa Pomiès is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Lifestyle Research Center at emlyon business school. She completed her PhD at ESCP Europe and Sorbonne University and is trained as a sociologist and an ethnographer. Her research focuses on taste, market creation, and transformation, consumption practices. She typically uses ethnographic methods to study these topics in combination with actor-network theory, practice theory, and similar approaches.
Further information
Pomiès, A., & Arsel, Z. (2022). Market Work and the Formation of the Omnivorous Consumer Subject. Journal of Consumer Research.
Pomiès, A., & Hennion, A. (2021). Researching taste: an interview of Antoine Hennion. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24(1), 118-123.