The Ethnography Atelier podcast discusses research methods with accomplished qualitative researchers. We talk to guests about their experiences of conducting research in and around organizations, the challenges they faced and the understandings they gained. If you have comments about the podcast or you'd like to get involved, please contact us.

Episode 3 - Aruna Ranganathan: Full-Cycle Approach
Ruthanne Huising and Pedro Monteiro • 18/02/2019
In the third episode of the podcast, we talk with Professor Aruna Ranganathan (Stanford Graduate School of Business) about her experience using a full-cycle approach to mixed methods. This approach starts with the observation of naturally-occurring phenomena supported by inductive techniques and then moves to theory-testing with the use of quantitative datasets and experiments. Although mixing different methods is a promising strategy enabling the researcher to interrogate the phenomena of interest from multiple angles, it is also somewhat challenging and still relatively rare. In our conversation, Aruna reflected about her use of the full-cycle approach, its main strengths and weakness, and shared tips on how to cross the qualitative/quantitative divide in empirical research.
Further information on full-cycle approach
Ranganathan, A. (2018). "Train Them to Retain Them: Work Readiness and the Retention of First-Time Women Workers in India" Administrative Science Quarterly 63 (4): 879 – 909.
Ranganathan, A. (2018). "The Artisan and His Audience: Identification with Work and Price Setting in a Handicraft Cluster in Southern India" Administrative Science Quarterly 63 (3): 637 – 667.
Chatman, J. A., & Flynn, F. J. (2005). "Full-cycle micro-organizational behavior research" Organization Science, 16(4), 434-447.
Fine, G. A., & Elsbach, K. D. (2000). "Ethnography and experiment in social psychological theory building: Tactics for integrating qualitative field data with quantitative lab data" Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 36(1), 51-76.